About the Story…

     The story revolves around a family living in a suburb. From the beginning, they were living happily ever after. Outside the city, there were riots and school children being shot. All of this violence took place during the Apartheid.

     The wife was scared that these people will come and attack her family and house as well. Therefore, she insisted that her husband installs various security devices such as electronically controlled gates and alarms.

        Near the end, the husband and wife mount a long line of razor bladed coils around their wall to make sure that no one can enter their house. However, one day, the little boy reads the story of a prince who goes through the “terrible thicket of thorns” to kiss the princess. After, the boy aligns a ladder against the wall and tries to go through the coil just like the prince. However, he got stuck in it, and as the razor-teeth sharply attacked the boy, he screamed.  Only focused on protecting themselves, the same measures the husband and wife took to be safe resulted in the death of their son.